from ctypes import *
import numpy as np
import os, sys
import types
# observables
# density
def get_dens(self, ilat=None, iorb=None):
This function returns the value of the charge density
:type ilat: int
:param ilat: if the case of real-space DMFT, if only the Green's function of \
a specific inequivalent site is needed, this can be specified.
:type iorb: int
:param iorb: the orbital index. If none is provided, the whole density \
vector is returned
:return: the full charge density tensor has dimensions [ :code:`Nlat` ,Norb]. \
Depending on which keyword arguments are (or not) provided, this is sliced \
on the corresponding axis.
:rtype: float **or** np.array(dtype=float)
aux_norb = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Norb").value
ed_get_dens_n1_wrap = self.library.ed_get_dens_n1
ed_get_dens_n1_wrap.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS")
ed_get_dens_n1_wrap.restype = None
ed_get_dens_n2_wrap = self.library.ed_get_dens_n2
ed_get_dens_n2_wrap.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
ed_get_dens_n2_wrap.restype = None
if self.Nineq == 0:
densvec = np.zeros(aux_norb, dtype=float, order="F")
if ilat is not None:
raise ValueError("ilat cannot be none for single-impurity DMFT")
elif iorb is not None:
return densvec[iorb]
return densvec
densvec = np.zeros([self.Nineq, aux_norb], dtype=float, order="F")
ed_get_dens_n2_wrap(densvec, self.Nineq)
densvec = np.asarray(densvec)
if ilat is not None and iorb is not None:
return densvec[ilat, iorb]
elif ilat is None and iorb is not None:
return densvec[:, iorb]
elif ilat is not None and iorb is None:
return densvec[ilat, :]
return densvec
# magnetization
def get_mag(self, icomp=None, ilat=None, iorb=None):
This function returns the value of the magnetization
:type icomp: str
:param icomp: the component of the magnetization, :code:`"x"`, \
:code:`"y"` or :code:`"z"` (default).
:type ilat: int
:param ilat: if the case of real-space DMFT, if only the Green's function \
of a specific inequivalent site is needed, this can be specified.
:type iorb: int
:param iorb: the orbital index. If none is provided, the whole density \
vector is returned
:return: the full magnetization tensor has dimensions [ :code:`Nlat` ,3,Norb]. \
Depending on which keyword arguments are (or not) provided, this is \
sliced on the corresponding axis.
:rtype: float **or** np.array(dtype=float)
if icomp == "x" or icomp == "X":
icomp = 0
elif icomp == "y" or icomp == "Y":
icomp = 1
elif icomp == "z" or icomp == "Z":
icomp = 2
aux_norb = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Norb").value
ed_get_mag_n2_wrap = self.library.ed_get_mag_n2
ed_get_mag_n2_wrap.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS")
ed_get_mag_n2_wrap.restype = None
ed_get_mag_n3_wrap = self.library.ed_get_mag_n3
ed_get_mag_n3_wrap.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
ed_get_mag_n3_wrap.restype = None
if self.Nineq == 0:
magvec = np.zeros([3, aux_norb], dtype=float, order="F")
if ilat is not None:
raise ValueError("ilat cannot be none for single-impurity DMFT")
elif iorb is not None and icomp is not None:
return magvec[icomp, iorb]
elif iorb is not None and icomp is None:
return magvec[:, iorb]
elif iorb is None and icomp is not None:
return magvec[icomp, :]
elif iorb is None and icomp is None:
return magvec
magvec = np.zeros([self.Nineq, 3, aux_norb], dtype=float, order="F")
ed_get_mag_n3_wrap(magvec, self.Nineq)
magvec = np.asarray(magvec)
if ilat is not None:
if iorb is not None and icomp is not None:
return magvec[ilat, icomp, iorb]
if iorb is None and icomp is not None:
return magvec[ilat, icomp, :]
if iorb is not None and icomp is None:
return magvec[ilat, :, iorb]
if iorb is None and icomp is None:
return magvec[ilat, :, :]
if iorb is not None and icomp is not None:
return magvec[:, icomp, iorb]
if iorb is None and icomp is not None:
return magvec[:, icomp, :]
if iorb is not None and icomp is None:
return magvec[:, :, iorb]
if iorb is None and icomp is None:
return magvec
# double occupation
def get_docc(self, ilat=None, iorb=None):
This function returns the value of the double occupation
:type ilat: int
:param ilat: if the case of real-space DMFT, if only the Green's function of a \
specific inequivalent site is needed, this can be specified.
:type iorb: int
:param iorb: the orbital index. If none is provided, the whole density vector \
is returned
:return: the full double-occupation tensor has dimensions [ :code:`Nlat` ,Norb]. \
Depending on which keyword arguments are (or not) provided, this is sliced \
on the corresponding axis.
:rtype: float **or** np.array(dtype=float)
aux_norb = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Norb").value
ed_get_docc_n1_wrap = self.library.ed_get_docc_n1
ed_get_docc_n1_wrap.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS")
ed_get_docc_n1_wrap.restype = None
ed_get_docc_n2_wrap = self.library.ed_get_docc_n2
ed_get_docc_n2_wrap.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
ed_get_docc_n2_wrap.restype = None
if self.Nineq == 0:
doccvec = np.zeros(aux_norb, dtype=float, order="F")
if ilat is not None:
raise ValueError("ilat cannot be none for single-impurity DMFT")
elif iorb is not None:
return doccvec[iorb]
return doccvec
doccvec = np.zeros([self.Nineq, aux_norb], dtype=float, order="F")
ed_get_docc_n2_wrap(doccvec, self.Nineq)
doccvec = np.asarray(doccvec)
if ilat is not None and iorb is not None:
return doccvec[ilat, iorb]
elif ilat is None and iorb is not None:
return doccvec[:, iorb]
elif ilat is not None and iorb is None:
return doccvec[ilat, :]
return doccvec
# superconductive phi
def get_phi(self, ilat=None, iorb=None, jorb=None):
This function returns the value of the superconductive order \
parameter :math:`\\phi = \\langle c_{\\uparrow} c_{\\downarrow} \\rangle`
:type ilat: int
:param ilat: if the case of real-space DMFT, if only the Green's function of a \
specific inequivalent site is needed, this can be specified.
:type iorb: int
:param iorb: the first orbital index
:type jorb: int
:param jorb: the second orbital index
:return: :math:`\\phi`. The full tensor has dimensions [ :code:`Nlat`, \
:data:`Norb`, :data:`Norb`]. Depending on which keyword arguments are \
(or not) provided, this is sliced on the corresponding axis.
:rtype: float **or** np.array(dtype=float)
aux_norb = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Norb").value
ed_get_phisc_n2_wrap = self.library.ed_get_phisc_n2
ed_get_phisc_n2_wrap.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS") # self
ed_get_phisc_n2_wrap.restype = None
ed_get_phisc_n3_wrap = self.library.ed_get_phisc_n3
ed_get_phisc_n3_wrap.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
c_int, # Nlat
ed_get_phisc_n3_wrap.restype = None
if self.Nineq == 0:
phivec = np.zeros((aux_norb, aux_norb), dtype=float, order="F")
phivec = np.asarray(phivec)
if ilat is not None:
raise ValueError("ilat cannot be none for single-impurity DMFT")
elif iorb is not None and jorb is not None:
return phivec[iorb, jorb]
elif iorb is not None and jorb is None:
return phivec[iorb, :]
elif jorb is not None and iorb is None:
return phivec[:, jorb]
return phivec
phivec = np.zeros([self.Nineq, aux_norb, aux_norb], dtype=float, order="F")
ed_get_docc_n3_wrap(phivec, self.Nineq)
phivec = np.asarray(phivec)
if ilat is not None:
if iorb is not None and jorb is not None:
return phivec[ilat, iorb, jorb]
if iorb is not None and jorb is None:
return phivec[ilat, iorb, :]
if jorb is not None and iorb is None:
return phivec[ilat, :, jorb]
return phivec[ilat, :, :]
if iorb is not None and jorb is not None:
return phivec[:, iorb, jorb]
if iorb is not None and jorb is None:
return phivec[:, iorb, :]
if jorb is not None and iorb is None:
return phivec[:, :, jorb]
return phivec
# energy
def get_eimp(self, ilat=None, ikind=None):
This function returns the value of the local energy components
:type ilat: int
:param ilat: if the case of real-space DMFT, if only the Green's function of \
a specific inequivalent site is needed, this can be specified.
:type ikind: int
:param ikind: index of the component. It is
* :code:`1`: ed_Epot: the potential energy from interaction
* :code:`2`: ed_Eint: ed-Epot - ed_Ehartree (? it is not assigned)
* :code:`3`: ed_Ehartree: Hartree part of interaction energy
* :code:`4`: ed_Eknot: on-site part of the kinetic term
:return: the full local energy tensor has dimensions [ :code:`Nlat` ,4]. Depending on \
which keyword arguments are (or not) provided, this is sliced on the corresponding axis.
:rtype: float **or** np.array(dtype=float)
ed_get_eimp_n1_wrap = self.library.ed_get_eimp_n1
ed_get_eimp_n1_wrap.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS")
ed_get_eimp_n1_wrap.restype = None
ed_get_eimp_n2_wrap = self.library.ed_get_eimp_n2
ed_get_eimp_n2_wrap.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
ed_get_eimp_n2_wrap.restype = None
if self.Nineq == 0:
eimp_vec = np.zeros(4, dtype=float, order="F")
if ilat is not None:
raise ValueError("ilat cannot be none for single-impurity DMFT")
elif ikind is not None:
return eimp_vec[ikind]
return eimp_vec
eimp_vec = np.zeros([self.Nineq, 4], dtype=float, order="F")
ed_get_eimp_n2_wrap(eimp_vec, self.Nineq)
eimp_vec = np.asarray(eimp_vec)
if ilat is not None and ikind is not None:
return eimp_vec[ilat, ikind]
elif ilat is None and ikind is not None:
return eimp_vec[:, ikind]
elif ilat is not None and ikind is None:
return eimp_vec[ilat, :]
return eimp_vec
# backcompatibility, undocumented
def build_sigma(self, zeta, ilat=None, ishape=None, typ="n"):
return self.get_sigma(zeta=zeta, ilat=ilat, ishape=ishape, typ=typ)
# get Sigma
def get_sigma(self, ilat=None, ishape=None, axis="m", typ="n", zeta=None):
This function generates the self-energy for a user-chosen set of frequencies \
in the complex plane
:type ilat: int
:param ilat: if the case of real-space DMFT, if only the self-energy of \
a specific inequivalent site is needed, this can be specified.
:type ishape: int
:param ishape: this variable determines the shape of the returned array. \
Possible values:
* :code:`None`: the same shape as :code:`Hloc` plus one axis for frequency
* :code:`3`: in the single-impurity case, it will return an array of the shape \
[ :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` \
:data:`Norb` , :code:`len(zeta)` ]. In the real-space DMFT case, \
it will return an array of the shape \
[ :code:`Nlat` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , \
:code:`Nlat` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , \
:code:`len(zeta)` ]. :code:`Nlat` will be determined from the module
by assessing the shape of Hloc. If :code:`ilat` is set, ValueError is returned.
* :code:`4`: in the real-space DMFT case, it will return an array of the shape \
[ :code:`Nlat` , :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :data:`Nspin` \
:math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :code:`len(zeta)` `. :code:`Nlat` will \
be determined from the module by assessing the shape of Hloc. If :code:`ilat` is \
set, the output will have one dimension less.
* :code:`5`: in the single-impurity case, it will return an array of the \
shape [ :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Norb` , :data:`Norb` , \
:code:`len(zeta)` ].
* :code:`6`: in the real-space DMFT case, it will return an array of the \
shape [ :code:`Nlat` , :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Norb` , \
:data:`Norb` , :code:`len(zeta)` ]. :code:`Nlat` will be determined from \
the module by assessing the shape of Hloc. If :code:`ilat` is set, \
the output will have one dimension less.
:type axis: str
:param axis: if :code:`zeta` is not provided, return the self-energy on the \
Matsubara or Real axis with parameters set in the input file. \
Can be :code:`m` for Matsubara(default) or :code:`r` for real.
:type typ: str
:param typ: whether to return the normal or anomalous self-energy \
(for the superconducting case). Can be :code:`n` for normal (default) \
or :code:`a` for anomalous.
:type zeta: complex **or** [complex] **or** np.array(dtype=complex)
:param zeta: user-defined array of frequencies in the whole complex plane. \
If none is provided, according to :code:`axis` the Matsubara or real axis is chosen
:raise ValueError: If :code:`ishape` is incompatible woth :code:`ilat` or \
not in the previous list.
:raise ValueError: If :code:`axis` is not in the previous list.
:return: An array of floats that contains the self-energy along the \
specific axis, with dimension set by :code:`ishape` and :code:`zeta`, if present.
:rtype: np.array(dtype=float)
ed_get_sigma_site_n3 = self.library.get_sigma_site_n3
ed_get_sigma_site_n3.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
c_int, # axis
c_int, # typ
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dz
c_int, # zflag
ed_get_sigma_site_n3.restype = None
ed_get_sigma_site_n5 = self.library.get_sigma_site_n5
ed_get_sigma_site_n5.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=5, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
c_int, # axis
c_int, # typ
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dz
c_int, # zflag
ed_get_sigma_site_n5.restype = None
ed_get_sigma_lattice_n3 = self.library.get_sigma_lattice_n3
ed_get_sigma_lattice_n3.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
c_int, # nineq
c_int, # axis
c_int, # typ
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dz
c_int, # zflag
ed_get_sigma_lattice_n3.restype = None
ed_get_sigma_lattice_n4 = self.library.get_sigma_lattice_n4
ed_get_sigma_lattice_n4.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=4, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
c_int, # nineq
c_int, # axis
c_int, # typ
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dz
c_int, # zflag
ed_get_sigma_lattice_n4.restype = None
ed_get_sigma_lattice_n6 = self.library.get_sigma_lattice_n6
ed_get_sigma_lattice_n6.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=4, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
c_int, # nineq
c_int, # axis
c_int, # typ
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dz
c_int, # zflag
ed_get_sigma_lattice_n6.restype = None
# Global vars
norb_aux = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Norb").value
nspin_aux = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Nspin").value
# zeta
if zeta is not None:
if np.isscalar(zeta):
zeta = [zeta]
zeta = np.asarray(zeta, dtype=complex, order="F")
nfreq = np.shape(zeta)[0]
zflag = 1
if any(abs(np.real(zeta)) > 1e-10):
axis = "r"
zeta = np.asarray([0.0], dtype=complex, order="F")
if axis == "m":
nfreq = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Lmats").value
nfreq = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Lreal").value
zflag = 0
# ishape
if ishape is None:
ishape = self.dim_hloc + 1
# axis
if axis == "m":
axisint = 0
elif axis == "r":
axisint = 1
raise ValueError("get_sigma: axis can only be 'm' or 'r'")
# typ
if typ == "n":
typint = 0
elif typ == "a":
typint = 1
raise ValueError("get_sigma: typ can only be 'n' or 'a'")
if self.Nineq == 0:
if ilat is not None:
raise ValueError("ilat is not defined in single-impurity DMFT")
if ishape == 3:
Sigma = np.zeros(
[nspin_aux * norb_aux, nspin_aux * norb_aux, nfreq],
ed_get_sigma_site_n3(Sigma, axisint, typint, zeta, nfreq, zflag)
elif ishape == 5:
Sigma = np.zeros(
[nspin_aux, nspin_aux, norb_aux, norb_aux, nfreq],
ed_get_sigma_site_n5(Sigma, axisint, typint, zeta, nfreq, zflag)
raise ValueError("Shape(array) != 3,5 in get_sigma_site")
return Sigma
if ishape == 3:
Sigma = np.zeros(
self.Nineq * nspin_aux * norb_aux,
self.Nineq * nspin_aux * norb_aux,
ed_get_sigma_site_n3(Sigma, self.Nineq, axisint, typint, zeta, nfreq, zflag)
elif ishape == 4:
Sigma = np.zeros(
[self.Nineq, nspin_aux * norb_aux, nspin_aux * norb_aux, nfreq],
ed_get_sigma_site_n4(Sigma, self.Nineq, axisint, typint, zeta, nfreq, zflag)
elif ishape == 6:
Sigma = np.zeros(
[self.Nineq, nspin_aux, nspin_aux, norb_aux, norb_aux, nfreq],
ed_get_sigma_site_n6(Sigma, self.Nineq, axisint, typint, zeta, nfreq, zflag)
raise ValueError("Shape(array) != 3,4,6 in get_sigma_lattice")
if ilat is not None and ishape != 3:
return Sigma[ilat]
return Sigma
# GIMP #
# backcompatibility, undocumented
def build_gimp(self, zeta, ilat=None, ishape=None, typ="n"):
return self.get_gimp(zeta=zeta, ilat=ilat, ishape=ishape, typ=typ)
# get gimp
def get_gimp(self, ilat=None, ishape=None, axis="m", typ="n", zeta=None):
This function generates the impurity Green's function for a user-chosen set \
of frequencies in the complex plane
:type ilat: int
:param ilat: if the case of real-space DMFT, if only the self-energy of \
a specific inequivalent site is needed, this can be specified.
:type ishape: int
:param ishape: this variable determines the shape of the returned array. \
Possible values:
* :code:`None`: the same shape as :code:`Hloc` plus one axis for frequency
* :code:`3`: in the single-impurity case, it will return an array of the shape \
[ :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` \
:data:`Norb` , :code:`len(zeta)` ]. In the real-space DMFT case, \
it will return an array of the shape \
[ :code:`Nlat` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , \
:code:`Nlat` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , \
:code:`len(zeta)` ]. :code:`Nlat` will be determined from the module by \
assessing the shape of Hloc. If :code:`ilat` is set, ValueError is returned.
* :code:`4`: in the real-space DMFT case, it will return an array of the shape \
[ :code:`Nlat` , :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :data:`Nspin` \
:math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :code:`len(zeta)` `. :code:`Nlat` will \
be determined from the module by assessing the shape of Hloc. If :code:`ilat`\
is set, the output will have one dimension less.
* :code:`5`: in the single-impurity case, it will return an array of the \
shape [ :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Norb` , :data:`Norb` , \
:code:`len(zeta)` ].
* :code:`6`: in the real-space DMFT case, it will return an array of the \
shape [ :code:`Nlat` , :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Norb` , \
:data:`Norb` , :code:`len(zeta)` ]. \
:code:`Nlat` will be determined from the module by assessing the shape of Hloc. \
If :code:`ilat` is set, the output will have one dimension less.
:type axis: str
:param axis: if :code:`zeta` is not provided, return the self-energy on the \
Matsubara or Real axis with parameters set in the input file. \
Can be :code:`m` for Matsubara(default) or :code:`r` for real.
:type typ: str
:param typ: whether to return the normal or anomalous self-energy \
(for the superconducting case). Can be :code:`n` for normal (default) or \
:code:`a` for anomalous.
:type zeta: complex **or** [complex] **or** np.array(dtype=complex)
:param zeta: user-defined array of frequencies in the whole complex plane. \
If none is provided, according to :code:`axis` the Matsubara or real axis is chosen
:raise ValueError: If :code:`ishape` is incompatible woth :code:`ilat` or \
not in the previous list.
:raise ValueError: If :code:`axis` is not in the previous list.
:return: An array of floats that contains the impurity Green's function along the \
specific axis, with dimension set by :code:`ishape` and :code:`zeta`, if present.
:rtype: np.array(dtype=float)
ed_get_gimp_site_n3 = self.library.get_gimp_site_n3
ed_get_gimp_site_n3.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
c_int, # axis
c_int, # typ
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dz
c_int, # zflag
ed_get_gimp_site_n3.restype = None
ed_get_gimp_site_n5 = self.library.get_gimp_site_n5
ed_get_gimp_site_n5.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=5, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
c_int, # axis
c_int, # typ
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dz
c_int, # zflag
ed_get_gimp_site_n5.restype = None
ed_get_gimp_lattice_n3 = self.library.get_gimp_lattice_n3
ed_get_gimp_lattice_n3.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
c_int, # nineq
c_int, # axis
c_int, # typ
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dz
c_int, # zflag
ed_get_gimp_lattice_n3.restype = None
ed_get_gimp_lattice_n4 = self.library.get_gimp_lattice_n4
ed_get_gimp_lattice_n4.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=4, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
c_int, # nineq
c_int, # axis
c_int, # typ
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dz
c_int, # zflag
ed_get_gimp_lattice_n4.restype = None
ed_get_gimp_lattice_n6 = self.library.get_gimp_lattice_n6
ed_get_gimp_lattice_n6.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=4, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
c_int, # nineq
c_int, # axis
c_int, # typ
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dz
c_int, # zflag
ed_get_gimp_lattice_n6.restype = None
# Global vars
norb_aux = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Norb").value
nspin_aux = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Nspin").value
# zeta
if zeta is not None:
if np.isscalar(zeta):
zeta = [zeta]
zeta = np.asarray(zeta, dtype=complex, order="F")
nfreq = np.shape(zeta)[0]
zflag = 1
if any(
abs(np.real(zeta)) > 1e-10
): # if the provided frequency array is not Matsubara, set axis="r"
axis = "r"
zeta = np.asarray([0.0], dtype=complex, order="F")
if axis == "m":
nfreq = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Lmats").value
nfreq = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Lreal").value
zflag = 0
# ishape
if ishape is None:
ishape = self.dim_hloc + 1
# axis
if axis == "m":
axisint = 0
elif axis == "r":
axisint = 1
raise ValueError("get_gimp: axis can only be 'm' or 'r'")
# typ
if typ == "n":
typint = 0
elif typ == "a":
typint = 1
raise ValueError("get_gimp: typ can only be 'n' or 'a'")
if self.Nineq == 0:
if ilat is not None:
raise ValueError("ilat is not defined in single-impurity DMFT")
if ishape == 3:
gimp = np.zeros(
[nspin_aux * norb_aux, nspin_aux * norb_aux, nfreq],
ed_get_gimp_site_n3(gimp, axisint, typint, zeta, nfreq, zflag)
elif ishape == 5:
gimp = np.zeros(
[nspin_aux, nspin_aux, norb_aux, norb_aux, nfreq],
ed_get_gimp_site_n5(gimp, axisint, typint, zeta, nfreq, zflag)
raise ValueError("Shape(array) != 3,5 in get_gimp_site")
return gimp
if ishape == 3:
gimp = np.zeros(
self.Nineq * nspin_aux * norb_aux,
self.Nineq * nspin_aux * norb_aux,
ed_get_gimp_site_n3(gimp, self.Nineq, axisint, typint, zeta, nfreq, zflag)
elif ishape == 4:
gimp = np.zeros(
[self.Nineq, nspin_aux * norb_aux, nspin_aux * norb_aux, nfreq],
ed_get_gimp_site_n4(gimp, self.Nineq, axisint, typint, zeta, nfreq, zflag)
elif ishape == 6:
gimp = np.zeros(
[self.Nineq, nspin_aux, nspin_aux, norb_aux, norb_aux, nfreq],
ed_get_gimp_site_n6(gimp, self.Nineq, axisint, typint, zeta, nfreq, zflag)
raise ValueError("Shape(array) != 3,4,6 in get_gimp_lattice")
if ilat is not None and ishape != 3:
return gimp[ilat]
return gimp
# Anderson Impurity Model functions
# gimp
def get_g0and(self, zeta, bath, ishape=None, typ="n"):
This function calculates the value of the Anderson Impurity Model's \
noninteracting Green's function on a given frequency array.
:type zeta: complex
:param zeta: the array of frequencies (only frequencies on the real and \
imaginary axes are supported)
:type bath: float
:param bath: the user-accessible bath array
:type ishape: int
:param ishape: this variable determines the shape of the returned array.\
Possible values:
* :code:`None`: the same shape as :code:`Hloc` plus one axis for frequency
* :code:`3`: the output array will have shape [ :data:`Nspin` \
:math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` \
:data:`Norb` , :code:`len(zeta)` ]
* :code:`5`: the output array will have shape [ :data:`Nspin` , \
:data:`Nspin` , :data:`Norb` , :data:`Norb` , :code:`len(zeta)` ]
:type typ: str
:param typ: whether to return the normal or anomalous Green's function \
(for the superconducting case). Can be :code:`n` for normal or :code:`a`\
for anomalous.
:raise ValueError: If :code:`zeta` is not completely real or completely \
:raise ValueError: If :code:`ishape` is not 3 or 5.
:return: An array of complex that contains :math:`G^{And}_{0}(z)` function \
along the specific frequency array, with dimension set by \
:code:`ishape` and :code:`zeta`.
:rtype: np.array(dtype=complex)
ed_get_g0and_n3 = self.library.get_g0and_n3
ed_get_g0and_n3.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
ed_get_g0and_n3.restype = None
ed_get_g0and_n5 = self.library.get_g0and_n5
ed_get_g0and_n5.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=5, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
ed_get_g0and_n5.restype = None
norb_aux = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Norb").value
nspin_aux = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Nspin").value
zeta = zeta.astype(complex)
nfreq = np.shape(zeta)[0]
dimbath = np.shape(bath)[0]
if any(abs(np.real(zeta)) > 1e-10):
axis = "r"
elif any(abs(np.imag(zeta)) > 1e-10):
axis = "m"
raise ValueError(
"get_g0and: frequencies can only be purely real or purely imaginary"
if ishape is None:
ishape = self.dim_hloc + 1
if ishape == 3:
G0and = np.zeros(
[nspin_aux * norb_aux, nspin_aux * norb_aux, nfreq],
DimG0and = np.asarray(
[nspin_aux * norb_aux, nspin_aux * norb_aux, nfreq],
elif ishape == 5:
G0and = np.zeros(
[nspin_aux, nspin_aux, norb_aux, norb_aux, nfreq], dtype=complex, order="F"
DimG0and = np.asarray(
[nspin_aux, nspin_aux, norb_aux, norb_aux, nfreq], dtype=np.int64, order="F"
raise ValueError("Shape(array) != 3,5 in get_g0and")
return G0and
# Delta
def get_delta(self, zeta, bath, ishape=None, typ="n"):
This function calculates the value of the Anderson Impurity Model's \
hybridization function on a given frequency array.
:type zeta: complex
:param zeta: the array of frequencies (only frequencies on the real and \
imaginary axes are supported)
:type bath: float
:param bath: the user-accessible bath array
:type ishape: int
:param ishape: this variable determines the shape of the returned array. \
Possible values:
* :code:`None`: the same shape as :code:`Hloc` plus one axis for frequency
* :code:`3`: the output array will have shape [ :data:`Nspin` \
:math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` \
:data:`Norb` , :code:`len(zeta)` ]
* :code:`5`: the output array will have shape [ :data:`Nspin` , \
:data:`Nspin` , :data:`Norb` , :data:`Norb` , :code:`len(zeta)` ]
:type typ: str
:param typ: whether to return the normal or anomalous Green's function \
(for the superconducting case). Can be :code:`n` for normal or :code:`a`\
for anomalous.
:raise ValueError: If :code:`zeta` is not completely real or completely \
:raise ValueError: If :code:`ishape` is not 3 or 5.
:return: An array of complex that contains :math:`\\Delta(z)` along the \
specific frequency array, with dimension set by :code:`ishape` and \
:rtype: np.array(dtype=complex)
ed_get_delta_n3 = self.library.get_delta_n3
ed_get_delta_n3.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
ed_get_delta_n3.restype = None
ed_get_delta_n5 = self.library.get_delta_n5
ed_get_delta_n5.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=5, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
ed_get_delta_n5.restype = None
norb_aux = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Norb").value
nspin_aux = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Nspin").value
zeta = zeta.astype(complex)
nfreq = np.shape(zeta)[0]
dimbath = np.shape(bath)[0]
if any(abs(np.real(zeta)) > 1e-10):
axis = "r"
elif any(abs(np.imag(zeta)) > 1e-10):
axis = "m"
raise ValueError(
"get_delta: frequencies can only be purely real or purely imaginary"
if ishape is None:
ishape = self.dim_hloc + 1
if ishape == 3:
Delta = np.zeros(
[nspin_aux * norb_aux, nspin_aux * norb_aux, nfreq],
DimDelta = np.asarray(
[nspin_aux * norb_aux, nspin_aux * norb_aux, nfreq],
elif ishape == 5:
Delta = np.zeros(
[nspin_aux, nspin_aux, norb_aux, norb_aux, nfreq], dtype=complex, order="F"
DimDelta = np.asarray(
[nspin_aux, nspin_aux, norb_aux, norb_aux, nfreq], dtype=np.int64, order="F"
raise ValueError("Shape(array) != 3,5 in get_delta")
return Delta
# Susceptibilities #
def get_chi(self, chan="spin", zeta=None, axis=None, ilat=None):
This function calculates the value of the Anderson Impurity Model's \
response functions :math:`\\chi` in the spin, density, pairing and \
exciton channels.
:type chan: str
:param chan: the channel of the response function. Possible values are \
:code:`spin` ( :code:`s` ), :code:`dens` ( :code:`c` ), :code:`pair` \
( :code:`p` ), :code:`exct` ( :code:`e` ). Default is :code:`spin`.
:type zeta: complex
:param zeta: the array of frequencies or times (only frequencies on \
the real imaginary axes and imaginary times are supported). If no array
is provided, depending on the value of :data:`axis`, an array will be \
generated on the positive Matsubara axis ( :data:`Lmats` values ), on \
the real axis ( :data:`Lreal` values between :code:`0` and \
:data:`wfin`) or on the imaginary time axis (:data:`Ltau` values \
between 0 and :data:`beta`)
:type axis: str
:param axis: the axis on which to calculate :math:`\\chi`. Possible values \
:code:`matsubara` ( :code:`m`), :code:`real` ( :code:`r`), :code:`time` \
( :code:`t`). This parameter has to be specificed.
:type ilat: int
:param ilat: for real-space DMFT, if this flag is specified only the \
susceptibility for the relative inequivalent atom is returned
:raise ValueError: If :f:var:`ed_mode` is not :code:`normal`
:raise ValueError: If :code:`axis` not provided or invalid
:raise ValueError: If :code:`chan` is invalid
:return: An array of complex that contains :math:`\\chi` along the chosen \
axis. The dimension of the array depends on the chosen channel:
* [ :data:`Norb`, :data:`Norb` , :code:`len(zeta)` ] for \
channel :code:`spin`, :code:`dens`, :code:`pair`
* [ :code:`3`, :data:`Norb`, :data:`Norb` , :code:`len(zeta)` ] for channel \
:code:`exct`, corresponding to singlet, triplet(xy) and triplet(z)
One dimension corresponding to the number of inequivalent sites is added \
at the beginning for the case of real-space DMFT and if ilat is None.
:rtype: np.array(dtype=complex)
ed_get_spinchi = self.library.ed_get_spinchi
ed_get_spinchi.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=4, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dim_zeta
c_int, # zetaflag
c_int, # axis
c_int, # nsites
c_int, # latticeflag
ed_get_spinchi.restype = None
ed_get_denschi = self.library.ed_get_denschi
ed_get_denschi.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=4, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dim_zeta
c_int, # zetaflag
c_int, # axis
c_int, # nsites
c_int, # latticeflag
ed_get_denschi.restype = None
ed_get_pairchi = self.library.ed_get_pairchi
ed_get_pairchi.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=4, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dim_zeta
c_int, # zetaflag
c_int, # axis
c_int, # nsites
c_int, # latticeflag
ed_get_pairchi.restype = None
ed_get_exctchi = self.library.ed_get_exctchi
ed_get_exctchi.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=5, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # self
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), # zeta
c_int, # dim_zeta
c_int, # zetaflag
c_int, # axis
c_int, # nsites
c_int, # latticeflag
ed_get_exctchi.restype = None
if self.Nineq == 0:
Nsites = 1
latticeflag = 0
Nsites = self.Nineq
latticeflag = 1
aux_norb = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Norb").value
aux_Lmats = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Lmats").value
aux_Lreal = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Lreal").value
aux_Ltau = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Ltau").value
edmode = self.get_ed_mode()
if edmode != 1:
raise ValueError(
"Susceptibility calculation not supported for ed_mode " "not = normal"
zetaflag = 1
if axis is None:
raise ValueError("Axis is required")
if zeta is None:
if axis == "m":
zeta = np.array([0.0], dtype=complex)
zetaflag = 0
axisflag = 0
nfreq = aux_Lmats
if axis == "r":
zeta = np.array([0.0], dtype=complex)
zetaflag = 0
axisflag = 1
nfreq = aux_Lreal
if axis == "t":
zeta = np.array([0.0], dtype=complex)
zetaflag = 0
axisflag = 2
nfreq = aux_Ltau
if axis == "m":
axisflag = 0
elif axis == "r":
axisflag = 1
elif axis == "t":
axisflag = 2
raise ValueError("axis can only be m, r or t")
nfreq = np.shape(zeta)[0]
if chan.lower() == "spin" or chan.lower() == "s":
chi = np.zeros([Nsites, aux_norb, aux_norb, nfreq], dtype=complex, order="F")
ed_get_spinchi(chi, zeta, nfreq, zetaflag, axisflag, Nsites, latticeflag)
if chan.lower() == "dens" or chan.lower() == "d":
chi = np.zeros([Nsites, aux_norb, aux_norb, nfreq], dtype=complex, order="F")
ed_get_denschi(chi, zeta, nfreq, zetaflag, axisflag, Nsites, latticeflag)
if chan.lower() == "pair" or chan.lower() == "p":
chi = np.zeros([Nsites, aux_norb, aux_norb, nfreq], dtype=complex, order="F")
ed_get_pairchi(chi, zeta, nfreq, zetaflag, axisflag, Nsites, latticeflag)
if chan.lower() == "exct" or chan.lower() == "e":
chi = np.zeros([Nsites, 3, aux_norb, aux_norb, nfreq], dtype=complex, order="F")
ed_get_exctchi(chi, zeta, nfreq, zetaflag, axisflag, Nsites, latticeflag)
if self.Nineq == 0:
return chi[0]
if ilat == None:
return chi
return chi[ilat]