Quantum Numbers Sectors

The ed_sector represents a key part of the ED code. Here the symmetry sectors construction essentially consist in the determination of the injective map \({\cal M}:{\cal S}(\vec{Q})\rightarrow{\cal F}\) relating the states of the sectors \(|i\rangle\in{\cal S}(\vec{Q})\) to the corresponding ones \(|I\rangle\in{\cal F}\) in the Fock space.

The map is constructed iterating over the states of the Fock spaces while verified the quantum number conditions. If verified for a given state \(|I\rangle\) a new state is found and it is added to the list. The following code snippet illustrates the case for a system conserving the total magnetization \(S_z=N_\uparrow-N_\downarrow\)

! Iterate over down spin configurations
do idw=0,2**Ns-1
   ! use bit operation to get :math:`N_\downarrow`
   ndw_= popcnt(idw)
   ! Iterate over up spin configurations
   do iup=0,2**Ns-1
      ! use bit operation to get :math:`N_\uparrow`
      nup_ = popcnt(iup)
      ! Get :math:`S_z=N_\uparrow-N_\downarrow`
      sz_  = nup_ - ndw_
      ! if the evaluated magnetization is the required one:
      ! increase counter and store the Fock state into the map
      if(sz_ == self%Sz)then
         self%H(1)%map(dim) = iup + idw*2**Ns

The dimension of the symmetry sector, i.e. the size of the map \({\cal M}(\vec{Q})\), is determined by a simple combinatorial algorithm (\(N\) being the total number of electronic levels):

Symmetry Sectors Dimensions


Quantum Numbers

Sector Dimension






\(\sum_i 2^{N-S_z-2i}\binom{N}{N-S_z-2i}\binom{S_z+2i}{i}\)





Contains procedures to construct the symmetry sectors corresponding to a given set of quantum numbers \(\vec{Q}\), in particular it allocated and build the sector_map connecting the states of a given sector with the corresponding Fock ones.

Quick access


map_allocate(), get_sector(), get_quantumnumbers(), build_sector(), get_dim()

Used modules

  • ed_input_vars: Contains all global input variables which can be set by the user through the input file. A specific preocedure ed_read_input() should be called to read the input file using parse_input_variable() procedure from SciFortran. All variables are automatically set to a default, looked for and updated by reading into the file and, sequentially looked for and updated from command line (std.input) using the notation variable_name=variable_value(s) (case independent).

  • ed_vars_global: Contains all variables, arrays and derived types instances shared throughout the code. Specifically, it contains definitions of the effective_bath, the gfmatrix and the sector data structures.

  • ed_aux_funx: Hosts a number of auxiliary procedures required in different parts of the code. Specifically, it implements: creation/annihilation fermionic operators, binary decomposition of integer representation of Fock states and setup the local impurity Hamiltonian

  • sf_timer

  • sf_iotools

  • mpi

  • sf_mpi

Subroutines and functions

interface  ed_sector/map_allocate(h, n[, nsp])

Allocate the map(s) connecting the states in the symmetry sector to thos in the Fock space.

  • h (various shapes) [sector_map]

  • n (various shapes) [integer]


nsp [integer]

interface  ed_sector/get_sector(qn, n, isector, twojz)

Returns the index of isector of the symmetry sector given the quantum numbers qn

  • qn (various shapes) [integer]

  • n [integer]

  • isector [integer]

  • twojz [integer]

interface  ed_sector/get_quantumnumbers(isector, n, qn)

Returns the quantum numbers qn given the index of isector of the symmetry sector

  • isector [integer]

  • n [integer]

  • qn (various shapes) [integer]

subroutine  ed_sector/build_sector(isector, self[, itrace])

This procedure build the sector sector \({\cal S}(\vec{Q})\) given the index isector which univocally determines the quantum numbers \(\vec{Q}\). All the components of the data structure sector are determined here. Moreover the map connecting the states of the sector to thos in the Fock space is constructed. To avoid integer overflow the loop over Fock space states is decomposed in spin up and down integer so that \(I = I_\uparrow + 2^{N}I_\downarrow\).

  • isector [integer, in]

  • self [sector]


itrace [logical]

subroutine  ed_sector/get_dim(isector, dim)

Returns the dimension of the symmetry sector with index isector

  • isector [integer]

  • dim [integer]