Impurity Problem Solution Routines
The module ED_MAIN
contains the functions that initializes,
launch and finalize the EDIpack2.0 solver for the quantum impurity
The initialization, ed_init()
setups and allocates all the
internal variables and memory used in the code, which remain
available to the user until ed_finalize()
is called.
The main function is ed_solve:()
which aim to diagonalize the
impurity problem, evaluate the dynamical response functions and local
observables making them available to user through input/output
Contains routine that initialize, run and finalize the Impurity model solver
Quick access
- Routines:
Used modules
: Contains all global input variables which can be set by the user through the input file. A specific preocedureed_read_input()
should be called to read the input file usingparse_input_variable()
procedure from SciFortran. All variables are automatically set to a default, looked for and updated by reading into the file and, sequentially looked for and updated from command line (std.input) using the notation variable_name=variable_value(s) (case independent).ed_vars_global
: Contains all variables, arrays and derived types instances shared throughout the code. Specifically, it contains definitions of theeffective_bath
, thegfmatrix
and thesector
data structures.ed_eigenspace
: A class implementing a data structure to efficiently store the low part of the Fock space spectrum, automatically spreading and retrieving the eigenstates among/from MPI threads.ed_aux_funx
: Hosts a number of auxiliary procedures required in different parts of the code. Specifically, it implements: creation/annihilation fermionic operators, binary decomposition of integer representation of Fock states and setup the local impurity Hamiltonianed_setup
: Contains procedures to set up the Exact Diagonalization calculation, executing all internal consistency checks and allocation of the global memory.ed_bath
: Contains routines for setting, accessing, manipulating and clearing the bath of the Impurity problem.ed_chi_functions
: Contains a set of routines that retrieve quantities such as Green’s functions, self-energies (seeed_greens_functions
) and observables (fromed_observables
) and pass them to the user, as well ass routines to read and store Green’s function and self-energies.
Subroutines and functions
- interface ed_main/ed_init_solver(bath)
Initialize the Exact Diagonalization solver of EDIpack2.0. This procedure reserves and allocates all the memory required by the solver, performs all the consistency check and initializes the bath instance guessing or reading from a file. It requires as an input a double precision array of rank-1 [
] for the single-impurity case or or rank-2 [nb
] for the Real space DMFT case.nlat
is the number of inequivalent impurity sites, whilenb
depends on the bath size and geometry and can be obtained fromget_bath_dimension()
.- Parameters:
bath (various shapes) [real, inout] – user bath input array
- interface ed_main/ed_solve(bath[, flag_gf, flag_mpi, mpi_lanc, uloc_ii, ust_ii, jh_ii, jp_ii, jx_ii])
Launch the Exact Diagonalizaton solver for the single-site and multiple-site (R-DMFT) quantum impurity problem. It requires as an input a double precision array of rank-1 [
] for the single-impurity case or or rank-2 [nb
] for the Real space DMFT case.nlat
is the number of inequivalent impurity sites, whilenb
depends on the bath size and geometry and can be obtained fromget_bath_dimension()
.The solution is achieved in this sequence:
setup the MPI environment, if any
Set the internal bath instance
copying from the user provided inputbath
Get the low energy spectrum: call
Get the impurity Green’s functions: call
)Get the impurity susceptibilities, if any: call
)Get the impurity observables: call
Get the impurity local energy: call
Get the impurity reduced density matric: call
Delete MPI environment and deallocate used structures
- Parameters:
bath (various shapes) [real, in] – user bath input array
- Options:
flag_gf [logical] – flag to calculate (
) or not (.false.
) Green’s functions and susceptibilities. Default.true.
.flag_mpi [logical] – flag to solve the impurity problem parallely (
) or not (.false.
). Default.true.
.mpi_lanc [logical] – parallelization strategy flag: if
each core serially solves an inequivalent site, if.true.
all cores parallely solve each site in sequence. Default.false.
.uloc_ii (size(bath, 1), norb) [real] – site-dependent values for
, overriding the ones in the input file. It has dimension [nlat
].ust_ii (size(bath, 1)) [real] – site-dependent values for
, overriding the ones in the input file. It has dimension [nlat
].jh_ii (size(bath, 1)) [real] – site-dependent values for
, overriding the ones in the input file. It has dimension [nlat
].jp_ii (size(bath, 1)) [real] – site-dependent values for
, overriding the ones in the input file. It has dimension [nlat
].jx_ii (size(bath, 1)) [real] – site-dependent values for
, overriding the ones in the input file. It has dimension [nlat
- interface ed_main/ed_finalize_solver(nineq)
Finalize the Exact Diagonalization solver, clean up all the allocated memory.
- Parameters:
nineq [integer] – number of inequivalent impurity sites for real-space DMFT