from ctypes import *
import numpy as np
import os, sys
import types
def chi2_fitgf(self, *args, ispin=0, iorb=None, fmpi=True):
This function fits the Weiss field or Hybridization function (delta) with \
a discrete set of level. The fit parameters are the bath parameters \
contained in the user-accessible array. Depending on the type of system \
we are considering (normal, superconductive, non-SU(2)) \
a different set of inputs has to be passed. The specifics of the numerical\
fitting routines are controlled in the input file.
:type args: [np.array(dtype=complex,np.array(dtype=complex), \
np.array(dtype=float)]**or** [np.array(dtype=complex, \
:param args: The positional arguments are the function(s) \
to fit and the bath array.
If the system is not superconductive ( :f:var:`ed_mode` = :code:`NORMAL` or\
:f:var:`ed_mode` = :code:`NONSU2`) the argumens are
* :code:`g`: the function to fit
* :code:`bath`: the bath
If the system is superconductive ( :f:var:`ed_mode` = :code:`SUPERC`) the \
arguments are
* :code:`g`: the normal function to fit
* :code:`f`: the anomalous function to fit
* :code:`bath`: the bath
The dimensions of the previous arrays can vary:
The dimension of :code:`bath` can be
* :code:`Nb`: if single-impurity, the output of :func:`get_bath_gimension`
* :code:`[Nlat ,Nb]`: if real-space DMFT
Accordingly, the dimension of g (and f) can be:
* :code:`3`: in the single-impurity case, an array of \
the shape [ :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :data:`Nspin` \
:math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :code:`Lfit` ].
* :code:`3`: in the real-space DMFT case, an array of \
the shape [ :code:`Nlat` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` \
:data:`Norb` , :code:`Nlat` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` \
:data:`Norb` , :code:`Lfit` ]
* :code:`4`: in the real-space DMFT case, an array of \
the shape [ :code:`Nlat` , :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` \
:data:`Norb` , :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :code:`Lfit` ]
* :code:`5`: in the single-impurity case, an array of \
the shape [ :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Norb` , \
:data:`Norb` , :code:`Lfit` ]
* :code:`6`: in the real-space DMFT case, an array of \
the shape [ :code:`Nlat` , :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Nspin` , \
:data:`Norb` , :data:`Norb` , :code:`Lfit` ]
where :code:`Lfit` is a given number of frequencies.
:type ispin: int
:param ispin: spin species to be fitted. For the normal case, \
if :data:`Nspin` = :code:`2`, the fitting function \
needs to be called twice. Only the corresponding elements of :code:`bath` \
will be updated each time. For the non-SU(2) case, this argument is \
irrelevant, since all the elements of the Weiss/Delta function need to be \
fitted. This is also the case if :f:var:`bath_type` = :code:`REPLICA, GENERAL`.
:type iorb: int
:param iorb: the orbital to be fitted. If omitted, all orbitals will be fitted
:type fmpi: bool
:param fmpi: flag to automatically do and broadcast the fit over MPI, if defined
:raise ValueError: if the shapes of the positional arguments are incompatible
:raise ValueError: if a number of positional arguments different \
from 2 or 3 are passed
:return: An array of floats that contains the bath parameters \
for the impurity problem. This is a required input of :func:`solve` \
and :func:`chi2_fitgf`. Its elements are ordered differently \
depending on the bath geometry. They are (de)compactified for \
user interaction via :func:`bath_inspect`. Specific \
symmetrization operations are implemented and listed in \
the :ref:`bath` section.
:rtype: np.array(dtype=float)
# single normal
chi2_fitgf_single_normal_n3 = self.library.chi2_fitgf_single_normal_n3
chi2_fitgf_single_normal_n3.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
chi2_fitgf_single_normal_n3.restype = None
chi2_fitgf_single_normal_n5 = self.library.chi2_fitgf_single_normal_n5
chi2_fitgf_single_normal_n5.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=5, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
chi2_fitgf_single_normal_n5.restype = None
# single superc
chi2_fitgf_single_superc_n3 = self.library.chi2_fitgf_single_superc_n3
chi2_fitgf_single_superc_n3.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
chi2_fitgf_single_superc_n3.restype = None
chi2_fitgf_single_superc_n5 = self.library.chi2_fitgf_single_superc_n5
chi2_fitgf_single_superc_n5.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=5, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=5, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
chi2_fitgf_single_superc_n5.restype = None
# lattice normal
chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n3 = self.library.chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n3
chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n3.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n3.restype = None
chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n4 = self.library.chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n4
chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n4.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=4, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n4.restype = None
chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n6 = self.library.chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n6
chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n6.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=6, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n6.restype = None
# lattice superc
chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n3 = self.library.chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n3
chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n3.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n3.restype = None
chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n4 = self.library.chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n4
chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n4.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=4, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=4, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n4.restype = None
chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n6 = self.library.chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n6
chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n6.argtypes = [
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=6, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=6, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"),
chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n6.restype = None
# main function
ispin = ispin + 1
if iorb is None:
iorb = 0
iorb = iorb + 1
if len(args) == 2: # normal
g = np.asarray(args[0], order="F")
bath = np.asarray(args[1], order="F")
dim_g = np.asarray(np.shape(g), dtype=np.int64, order="F")
dim_bath = np.asarray(np.shape(bath), dtype=np.int64, order="F")
if len(dim_bath) == 1: # single
if len(dim_g) == 3:
chi2_fitgf_single_normal_n3(g, dim_g, bath, dim_bath, ispin, iorb, fmpi)
elif len(dim_g) == 5:
chi2_fitgf_single_normal_n5(g, dim_g, bath, dim_bath, ispin, iorb, fmpi)
raise ValueError("chi_fitgf_normal: takes dim(g) = 3 or 5")
elif len(dim_bath) == 2: # lattice
if len(dim_g) == 3:
chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n3(g, dim_g, bath, dim_bath, ispin)
if len(dim_g) == 4:
chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n4(g, dim_g, bath, dim_bath, ispin)
elif len(dim_g) == 6:
chi2_fitgf_lattice_normal_n6(g, dim_g, bath, dim_bath, ispin)
raise ValueError("chi_fitgf_normal: takes dim(g) = 3 or 5")
raise ValueError("chi_fitgf_normal: takes dim(bath) = 1 or 2")
elif len(args) == 3: # superc
g = np.asarray(args[0], order="F")
f = np.asarray(args[1], order="F")
bath = np.asarray(args[2], order="F")
dim_g = np.asarray(np.shape(g), dtype=np.int64, order="F")
dim_f = np.asarray(np.shape(g), dtype=np.int64, order="F")
dim_bath = np.asarray(np.shape(bath), dtype=np.int64, order="F")
if len(dim_bath) == 1: # single
if len(dim_g) == 3:
g, dim_g, f, dim_f, bath, dim_bath, ispin, iorb, fmpi
elif len(dim_g) == 5:
g, dim_g, f, dim_f, bath, dim_bath, ispin, iorb, fmpi
raise ValueError("chi_fitgf_superc: takes dim(g,f) = 3 or 5")
elif len(dim_bath) == 2: # lattice
if len(dim_g) == 3:
chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n3(g, dim_g, f, dim_f, bath, dim_bath, ispin)
if len(dim_g) == 4:
chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n4(g, dim_g, f, dim_f, bath, dim_bath, ispin)
elif len(dim_g) == 6:
chi2_fitgf_lattice_superc_n6(g, dim_g, f, dim_f, bath, dim_bath, ispin)
raise ValueError("chi_fitgf_superc: takes dim(g,f) = 3 or 5")
raise ValueError("chi_fitgf_superc: takes dim(bath) = 1 or 2")
raise ValueError("chi_fitgf: takes g,bath or g,f,bath")
return bath