Source code for func_aux_funx

from ctypes import *
import numpy as np
import os, sys
import types

# set_hloc

[docs] def set_hloc(self, hloc, Nlat=None): """ This function sets the local Hamiltonian of the impurity problem. :type hloc: np.array(dtype=complex) :param hloc: Local Hamiltonian matrix. This can have the following shapes: * [ :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :data:`Nspin` \ :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` ]: single-impurity case, 2-dimensional array * [ :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Norb` , :data:`Norb` ]: \ single-impurity case, 4-dimensional array * [ :code:`Nlat` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , \ :code:`Nlat` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` ]: \ real-space DMFT case, 2-dimensional array. * [ :code:`Nlat` , :data:`Nspin` :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` , :data:`Nspin`\ :math:`\\cdot` :data:`Norb` ]: single-impurity case, 3-dimensional array. * [ :code:`Nlat` , :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Nspin` , :data:`Norb` , \ :data:`Norb` ]: single-impurity case, 5-dimensional array. The array is ordered in F convention inside the function. **Note**: the way the EDIpack2 library passes from 1 comulative to 2 or 3 \ running indices is, from slower to faster: ``lat``, ``spin``, ``orb`` :type Nlat: int :param Nlat: Number of inequivalent sites for real-space DMFT. The function \ will raise a ValueError if the dimensions of ``hloc`` are inconsistent with \ the presence or absence of Nlat. The EDIpack2 library will check the \ correctness of the dimensions of ``hloc`` and terminate execution if inconsistent. :raise ValueError: If hloc is not provided or has the wrong shape :return: Nothing :rtype: None """ ed_set_Hloc_single_N2 = self.library.ed_set_Hloc_single_N2 ed_set_Hloc_single_N2.argtypes = [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), ] ed_set_Hloc_single_N2.restype = None ed_set_Hloc_single_N4 = self.library.ed_set_Hloc_single_N4 ed_set_Hloc_single_N4.argtypes = [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=4, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), ] ed_set_Hloc_single_N4.restype = None ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N2 = self.library.ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N2 ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N2.argtypes = [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=2, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), c_int, ] ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N2.restype = None ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N3 = self.library.ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N3 ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N3.argtypes = [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=3, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), c_int, ] ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N3.restype = None ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N5 = self.library.ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N5 ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N5.argtypes = [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=complex, ndim=5, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=np.int64, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), c_int, ] ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N5.restype = None try: hloc = np.asarray(hloc, order="F") dim_hloc = np.asarray(np.shape(hloc), dtype=np.int64, order="F") self.dim_hloc = len(dim_hloc) except: raise ValueError("In Edipack2.0, set_Hloc needs an Hloc defined") if Nlat is not None: if len(dim_hloc) == 2: ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N2(hloc, dim_hloc, Nlat) elif len(dim_hloc) == 3: ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N3(hloc, dim_hloc, Nlat) elif len(dim_hloc) == 5: ed_set_Hloc_lattice_N5(hloc, dim_hloc, Nlat) else: raise ValueError("ed_set_Hloc_lattice: dimension must be 2,3 or 5") else: if len(dim_hloc) == 2: ed_set_Hloc_single_N2(hloc, dim_hloc) elif len(dim_hloc) == 4: ed_set_Hloc_single_N4(hloc, dim_hloc) else: raise ValueError("ed_set_Hloc_site: dimension must be 2 or 4") return
# search_variable
[docs] def search_variable(self, var, ntmp, converged): """ This function checks the value of the read density :code:`ntmp` against the \ desired value :data:`nread` (if different from zero) and adjusts :code:`var` \ accordingly (in a monotonous way). :type var: float :param var: the variable to be adjusted (usually :data:`xmu` ) :type ntmp: float :param ntmp: the density value at the given iteration :type converged: bool :param converged: whether the DMFT loop has achieved a sufficiently small \ error independently on the density :return: - the new value of :code:`var` - a boolean signifying convergence :rtype: float, bool """ search_variable_wrap = self.library.search_variable search_variable_wrap.argtypes = [ np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=float, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=int, ndim=1, flags="F_CONTIGUOUS"), ] search_variable_wrap.restype = None var = np.asarray([var]) ntmp = np.asarray([ntmp]) converged = np.asarray([converged]) conv_int = int(converged) search_variable_wrap(var, ntmp, converged) if conv_int[0] == 0: converged = False else: converged = True return var[0], conv_bool
# check_convergence
[docs] def check_convergence(self, func, threshold=None, N1=None, N2=None): """ This function checks the relative variation of a given quantity (Weiss field, \ Delta, ...) against the one for the previous step. It is used to determine \ whether the DMFT loop has converged. If a maximum number of loops is exceeded, \ returns :code:`True` with a warning and appends it to the plain text file \ :code:`ERROR.README`. :type func: np.array(dtype=complex) :param func: the quantity to be checked. It can have any rank and shape, \ but the last dimension is summed over to get the relative error. All the \ components in the other dimensions are evalutated in the same way. \ The overall error is the average of the component-resolved error. It is \ appended to the plain text file :code:`error.err`. The maximum and minimum \ component-resolve errors, as well as all the finite component-resolved \ error values are appended to the plain text files :code:`error.err.max`, \ :code:`error.err.min` and :code:`error.err.distribution` respectively. :type threshold: float :param threshold: the error threshold (default = :data:`dmft_error`) :type N1: int :param N1: minimum number of loops (default = :data:`Nsuccess`) :type N2: int :param N2: maximum number of loops (default = :data:`Nloop`) :return: - the error - a boolean signifying convergence :rtype: float, bool """ try: import mpi4py from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() except: rank = 0 func = np.asarray(func) err = 1.0 conv_bool = False outfile = "error.err" # if threshold, N1 and/or N2 are None, set them to the input variables if threshold is None: threshold = c_double.in_dll(self.library, "dmft_error").value if N1 is None: N1 = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Nsuccess").value if N2 is None: N2 = c_int.in_dll(self.library, "Nloop").value # if first loop, allocate old function as method if not hasattr(self, "oldfunc"): self.oldfunc = np.zeros_like(func, dtype=complex) self.whichiter = 0 self.gooditer = 0 # only the master does the calculation if rank == 0: errvec = np.real( np.sum(abs(func - self.oldfunc), axis=-1) / np.sum(abs(func), axis=-1) ) # first iteration if self.whichiter == 0: errvec = np.ones_like(errvec) # remove nan compoments, if some component is divided by zero if > 1: errvec = errvec[~np.isnan(errvec)] errmax = np.max(errvec) errmin = np.min(errvec) err = np.average(errvec) self.oldfunc = np.copy(func) if err < threshold: self.gooditer += 1 # increase good iterations count else: self.gooditer = 0 # reset good iterations count self.whichiter += 1 conv_bool = ( (err < threshold) and (self.gooditer > N1) and (self.whichiter < N2) ) or (self.whichiter >= N2) # write out with open(outfile, "a") as file: file.write(f"{self.whichiter} {err:.6e}\n") if > 1: with open(outfile + ".max", "a") as file: file.write(f"{self.whichiter} {errmax:.6e}\n") with open(outfile + ".min", "a") as file: file.write(f"{self.whichiter} {errmin:.6e}\n") with open(outfile + ".distribution", "a") as file: file.write( f"{self.whichiter}" + " ".join([f"{x:.6e}" for x in errvec.flatten()]) + "\n" ) # print convergence message: if conv_bool: colorprefix = self.BOLD + self.GREEN elif (err < threshold) and (self.gooditer <= N1): colorprefix = self.BOLD + self.YELLOW else: colorprefix = self.BOLD + self.RED if self.whichiter < N2: if > 1: print(colorprefix + "max error=" + self.COLOREND + f"{errmax:.6e}") print( colorprefix + " " * ( > 1) + "error=" + self.COLOREND + f"{err:.6e}" ) if > 1: print(colorprefix + "min error=" + self.COLOREND + f"{errmin:.6e}") else: if > 1: print(colorprefix + "max error=" + self.COLOREND + f"{errmax:.6e}") print( colorprefix + " " * ( > 1) + "error=" + self.COLOREND + f"{err:.6e}" ) if > 1: print(colorprefix + "min error=" + self.COLOREND + f"{errmin:.6e}") print("Not converged after " + str(N2) + " iterations.") with open("ERROR.README", "a") as file: file.write("Not converged after " + str(N2) + " iterations.") print("\n") # pass to other cores: try: conv_bool = comm.bcast(conv_bool, root=0) err = comm.bcast(err, root=0) sys.stdout.flush() except: pass return err, conv_bool